Well-Being Weekend
with Craig Dickson
Harmonic Growth
5 -7 December 2025 (starts Friday evening 6pm, ends Sunday 5pm)

This workshop will be focused on personal growth and well-being. Sound baths, nature connection and art will be woven together to support deep relaxation and inner questioning.
As a supportive group we focus on our hopes and aspirations for the coming year, while listening to our inner voice and expressing our authentic self.
We will work on setting intentions to guide our next steps and weave these into personal mandalas that will help manifest the changes we wish to bring in to our life.
We will eat a healthy and nutritious vegetarian diet with raw free-from treats.
Sound and music will be used to create a safe space where we can experience deep relaxation.
Nature connection during mindful walks will allow us to connect with the local natural environment.
Art and creative expression will be used to weave our intentions into our own Personal Mandala, which can nurture our process of transformation.
We will also explore a more conscious diet by limiting stimulants like caffeine and sugar as well as reducing gluten and processed food.
Craig Dickson has been playing the didgeridoo for over 20 years and studied at the College of Sound Healing. His intuitive and sensitive approach to group dynamics supports the creation of safe spaces where deeply held emotions can be explored. Craig offers one to one sound sessions at Anam Cara throughout the year.
Connect to Harmonic Growth via www.harmonicgrowth.org

Maximum participants: 15
Cost: £250.00
£125 Residential Fee Payable to Anam Cara
£125 Course Fee payable direct to Craig Dickson
If you are experiencing financial difficulties or are on a low income, please contact us about available concessions.