Zen Yoga Teacher Training
with Zen Master Daizan Skinner
4-18 April 2025
(starts Friday evening 5.30pm,
ends Friday 5pm)
Zen Yoga emphasises physical alignment, the flow of energy in the system and the application of mindfulness or non-judgemental attention to the body. Zen Master Hakuin taught that Buddhas are like water and ordinary people are like ice. Mindful attention is like the sunlight melting away the frozen places in the body. As things open up on the physical level, many other levels open up as well.
Zen yoga teachers are working in the UK and Europe as well as Asia and America and this course fulfils the internationally recognised Yoga Alliance requirements for a 200-hour professional yoga teacher certification. The course is also registered with the Independent Yoga Network, entitling graduates to register with REPS, the governing body for exercise professionals.
Maximum participants: 11
For more information contact:
Email: admin@zenways.org
Web: www.zenways.org
Zen Master Julian Daizan Skinner
This intensive course will be taught by Zen Master Julian Daizan Skinner, who began full-time Zen practice over twenty six years ago and returned from Japan in 2007. Two years experience of yoga or related disciplines is a pre-requisite.
Connect to Zenways
via www.zenways.org
Residential Fee: £1050 – Accommodation & Meals paid directly to Anam Cara after you have paid your Zenways tuition fee. For more information please contact Zenways first.